Thursday, August 28, 2008



Please visit the following links to know more about Ramadan and activities during Holy Month of Ramadan (the no.9 month in the Hijri Islamic calendar of 12 months). Awareness Campaign as the name suggests, is an initiative designed to raise awareness of Islam through the education of Muslims and Non Muslims alike from Australia and International communities, during the most significant month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan. Locally it aims to promote unity amongst the broader Islamic community through a common platform...please read more on this Islamic site.

Introduction to Fasting / Ramadan
Ramadan: Overview
Full details of Fasting from Quran: Chapter 2:183-187
Ramadan : Reflections on Fasting
Religious Duties: A Gift From God: Fasting (Ramadan)
Spiritual Benefits of Fasting: Ramadan, A Gift of Rememberance
Misunderstandings and Violations in Ramadan
The Night of Destiny
Medical Benefits of Ramadan
Ramadan and Thanksgiving
Blessings of Ramadan
Night of Destiny
Ramadan: The Month the Quran was Revealed
Ramadan: Fasting to Enrich our souls
Blessed is the Month of Ramadan
Other Ramadan Links (including e-cards) (five pilars of Islamic/Muslim faith).
Facts and Figures about the Islamic Faith
Muhammad and the Holy Quran... Welcome to Ramadan Timetable UK & Ireland 2008
Ramadan Goals 2008


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Dear brothers and sisters....

There is nothing to fear about Islam. We know that after Adam the first man, our fore father (peace be upon him) and the first Prophet of Almighty God Allah, Allah sent one Prophet whose name was Nooh (Nuh)-peace be upon him, in Iraq. It's about 10,000 years before. The people in that town were not all muslims. Perhaps majority of them had given up the worship of One God (Monotheism) Almighty Allah. Allah sent them a Prophet to teach them Islam and warn them of their misconduct and wrong ways of living and worshipping. He wanted to purify them and show His Mercy and the path to Salvation. Prophet Nooh lived among them preaching for almost 950 years because those days God had given a long life span to the people. The populaton was very few and the world needed to be populated by humans. By a short life span it was not possible. Perhaps this is one of the reasons, God gave them long life span.

Prophet Nooh started preaching them Islam as per God's guidance and command. But the people were always adamant. They started ridiculing and finally they came to terrorise the Prophet and Muslims who believed One God Allah and His Prophet Nooh. But the Prophets were sent by Allah and they did never succumbed to the terrorists and athiests. They would implore Allah for His help and also the guidance for the people. But in the case of these people of Prophet Nooh (Nuh or Noha) they were given sufficient time by Allah and finally Allah's Prophet beseeched Allah's punishment for these wicked people. Then Allah sent them the terrible rain for 40 days and that drowned them all except those who were already believers of Allah and His Prophet Noah and His Religion and Message (Islam).

Allah gave only One Religion Islam via all His Prophets for the people. But the laws were different at different times due to the nature of the period of the living conditions of the people. [(Finally Allah completed Islam at the hands of Final Prophet Mohammad (Muhammad)-peace be upon him) and gave the complete laws which were so flexible that they can be applied until the end of the world. This is the Decree of God and not the innovation of some arabs or other muslims. We don't have to boast. We don't have to boast how Allah has created the whole universe, stars much much bigger than the earch, Oceans and Seas that hold enornous amount of water and have great depths and if Allah unleashed them unto the world (part of human habitation), the water will be everywhere and none will survive except Allah willed so for him or her. Allah can save anything, that is upto Him to do. It is His capacity and truly in His power. Nothing is impossible for Him. Fire, Atombomb nor anyother thing can touch Him nor harm Him. All these could harm us and the created things.

Prophet Noah had built before this terrible rain and deluge, a ship under the guidance and command of Allah because Allah told Him to do so and to lead His Believers on this ship when the calamity will strike from Him. So all those who believed as muslims in Allah and Prophet Noah, were able to follow the Prophet and embark on this ship just in time when it started raining. The people laughed (who did not believe in Islam). But as the rain water increased the people were caught in the water and got swept away. If only they had believed in Allah and His Prophet instead of the idols and stones and trees whom they worshipped. Now these stones and trees were uprooted and they could not save themselves let alone save their worshippers.

Then from these about 70 persons who had become Muslims along with the Prophet Nuh or Nooh, were saved by Allah and they landed on some land and carried on their life as per Islam. Through these surviving 70 persons (men and women), Islam spread and also the human population. Now here we ask one question to all non muslims: How come they are here today if their ancient parents (these 70 persons) weren't there at all. Now understand that because of these 70 persons who were muslims, today all human beings are living. These Muslims are your and our fore-parents and we must recognise this truth.

We must respect Islam which is the Religion of Man from the beginning. Which was given to Adam-the first Prophet and our first parent also-peace be upon him by Allah.

Those who deny the truth of Allah, Islam, Qur'an, Prophet Mohammad have sufficient proofs and aruments to believe in Islam. So we should not be like the ungrateful and unlucky persons of the time of Prophet Noah (Nuh or Noha) who did not heed the call of Islam and got swept away in the enormous amount of water. If we can not fight against a few waves of water, then do you think that you can fight and win against Almighty, Superior Being, Allah -The Lord and God of all humans.

Moses, Jesus and all Prophets of Allah taught the simple truth, that is to worship Allah alone and believe and follow His Guidance and Commands and that is called as Islam by Allah Himself. This name Islam was given by Allah Himself and not the innovation of Arabs or Egyptians. So we can't fool our own intellect and wisdom. Let us believe in Allah, Islam, Qur'an and All His Prophets.

By believing in Islam, all people, Hindus, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Chinese, Communists, Athiests and others are confirming that they are thankful to Allah and they are His True Servants. They do not want to be led by mischief makers nor satan's agenda (to lead us to Hell Fire by taking us away from Allah). How sad and mad you will be if some one snatches away your baby? Now how can any human being allow himself or herself to be prevented from coming to Almighty Allah who gives all our food, air, water, etc....think over and over again and come to your just judgement.

Say : Allah is my only Lord and God and Muhammad (Mohammad-peace be upon him), is the (Final) Messenger and Prophet of Allah. Follow the light of Allah -that is His Book-Al Qur'an.

May Allah bless us all and make our homes, cities and places safe for all of us and save us in this world and after death from His Punishment. Aameen.....