Thursday, February 7, 2008

How to respect yourself?

Boyz & girlz, are all of you ok?, It's quite freezing out there in some parts of the world and some where at the corner of the globe, it's wind doing lot of havocs. We care for all and pray for all. May Allah give all peace and protection.
In relation to today's post, first of all we have to know how to respect ourselves and this process starts by knowing how to respect God and this again starts by knowing who is God and so on...

It's like a chemistry equation:

Knowing God+Respecting Him = Knowing ourselves + respecting ourselves.

I hope the following websites will show you how to get to the bottom of this topic.

(because we don't have to write a lot about this subject, as you can see the fact that we don't have to reinvent the circle or zero. Already lots of great souls have put their inputs and knowledge from the holy scriptures in relation to this topic thus making the job of all of us very easy).

Following authentic websites are recommended for the above purpose:

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